Serverless infrastructure for distributed and decentralized applications on Cardano blockchain.
Generate WebAPI library bindings from web pages in Haskell, Elm, PureScript, Rust or Scala

Listen to Munihac 2022 talk about debugging
Munihac has recorded free talk about debugging.
Listen how union types generate parsers from JSON examples!
LambdaDays released free talk on using union types to generate parsers from JSON examples.
Listen about predictably fast automated testing!
LambdaDays released free talk on automatic test case generation with predictable timing.
Meet us on LambdaDays 2022
Our methodology and projects will be presented during LambdaDays 2022.
Published in Computing2022
Published articles on multicloud binding generation and latency distributions.
Live website builds with `shake-watch`
Configuring continuous builds for Slick static site generator with `shake-watch` package
First Annual General Meeting
First Annual General Meeting of shareholder and directors.
Second award in legaltech hackathon to Privacy Warden
We won 2nd award and FLIP incubator membership for our proposal to facilitate DPO job.